This ministry provides diverse opportunities for the youth to take intervention in God’s word. It exists to cultivate the talents of young people by empowering, encouraging and equipping them to explorer their potential.
The aim of children’s ministry is to partner with parents through the church to bring their children into a relationship with Jesus Christ and to empower them through teaching, worship, and relationship building so as to serve and share Christ in the world.

God’s plan for the children:
Psalm 78:6; “That the generation to come might know them; the children who would be born, that they may arise and declare them to their children.” As children are reached, they will grow and in turn reach their children, who will grow and in turn reach their children, and so on. That is still God’s plan today.
Joel 1:3; “Tell your children about it, let your children tell their children, and their children another generation.” This is always God’s plan. If the children are neglected, not only will it mean their loss, but the loss of succeeding generations.
Proverbs 22:6; “Train up a child in a away he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Equipping children with Biblical knowledge helps them not to leave the message but to have it even in old age. When you train your children the right way as early as possible, they will always walk according to your instruction.
The children gather together and are exposed to the word of God. They are introduced to stories from God’s word, basic Bible truths, scripture verses and songs. In doing this, we find that every lesson teaches divine principles of sharing, kindness and obedience while encouraging team work.
his ministry does not only encourage the children and youth to participate in understanding Bible facts but it gives them also an opportunity to involve themselves in sports, singing, debates, crafts and so on to help build their talents.