Healthcare is our medical mission that is designed to take multi-pronged approaches to address the medical needs of individuals in communities. It is a platform for a life of productivity in every one’s life. Poor health denies people in communities a chance to be productive.
Improving the health of the largest population especially among the most economically and socially vulnerable section of the society is central to the achievement of human development of any nation.
FOLM understands that communities are in the face of many healthy challenges which deter them from enjoying life in all its fullness.
We are working in communities to improve the health of infants, children and mothers as we also react to the reproductive and sexual needs of adolescents and youths.

One in three deaths of children are due to conditions that are largely preventable.
At FOLM, we put our focus on preventive initiatives which help prevent infectious diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria which are the three biggest killers of children under 5.
Furthermore, we are committed to measures that prevent acute and chronic malnutrition and undernourishment.
FOLM understands that the first 1,000 days of a child determine the course of its life. The right food and nutrients in this critical period are essential to good brain function, muscles and organ growth, and a strong immune system. This compels FOLM to focus on Food-security initiatives and nutrition-related interventions for both mothers and children to have a well-nourished community.